Understanding the Common Vulnerability Scoring System

The common vulnerability scoring system (CVSS) provides manufacturers a way to assess the principal characteristics of a vulnerability and produce a numerical score reflecting its severity.

Camera Specs - Not the Frontier in the Era of AI - Autonomous Machine Vision (AMV) Offers a New Approach to Visual QA

Machine vision engineers are pushing the frontiers of camera specifications to offer solutions with incredible resolution. Yonatan Hyatt explains why Autonomous Machine Vision (AMV) is pushing the boundaries of artificial intelligence, not camera specifications.

Physical Manufacturing, Outsourcing and the Digital Age of Crisis

While the global covid19 pandemic seems to be fading into the annals of history, the next crisis loomed large before the last one could begin to fade away into obscurity. What do these two most recent crises in the US demonstrate to the manufacturing world?

Simplifying AI Deployment for Quality Inspection

In the vision market, we're really at that initial AI and machine learning phase. AI for inspection excels at locating, identifying, and classifying objects and segmenting scenes and defects, with less sensitivity to image variability or distortion.

Mini factories in containers help reduce mask shortages

The factory in a box could be located in front of a hospital, next to a shopping center, or near a school. The integrated air-conditioning system with air purification filters makes production possible even in places with high risk of viral contamination.

How Does Electropolishing Surfaces Keep Food Safe?

Trouble often comes from the surfaces that warehouses, processing plants and other facilities use. Without the right surface material, bacteria can collect even with the right practices in place - raising the risk of food contamination.

In the Vacuum Workshop

In the semiconductor industry, cleanliness and precision are absolutely critical. Swiss vacuum specialist VAT therefore partnered up with maxon to develop a drive system for wafer processing.

Production line flexibility - How to use modularization for food production increase

According to an industry survey, the majority of food manufacturing companies are expecting to increase production. However, the same study suggested automation does not offer enough flexibility to fulfil an increase in production.

As The Electronics Manufacturing Industry Slowly Recovers From The Pandemic, What Can We Learn?

Within the realm of manufacturing, one thing is abundantly clear: supply chains are intrinsically tied and vulnerable to just about everything in our world today.

Improving Manufacturing Operations in Response to the Pandemic

Companies will need to quickly find ways to sustain their business, mitigate all supply chain risks, and be more flexible to the new environment. These requirements will drive a need for greater visibility and control over operations.

COVID-19 Accelerates Digitalization in Manufacturing But Data Silos Must Go!

When the manufacturing industry emerges out of the COVID-19 pandemic, we will see the rapid trend of digitalization. However, to achieve maximum success - this will only happen if manufacturers finally deal with the challenge of data silos!

Understanding the Key Elements for Machine Condition Monitoring

By continually monitoring the condition of your equipment's most critical mechanical and electrical components, failures can be avoided with predictive maintenance carried out during scheduled downtimes, resulting in continual operations.

Siemens introduces workplace distancing solution to manage "next normal" manufacturing

Using proven software and hardware, Siemens has developed a unique workplace distancing solution that helps manufacturers to simulate and manage employee exposure risks while enabling productivity throughout their facilities

Will India Be the Next Giant of Manufacturing?

Now, with concerns over China's handling of the virus, rising labor costs across the developing world and apprehension about geographically concentrated supply chains, companies are placing bets on the next hotspot for affordable manufacturing services.

Materials Handling Equipment

The smooth running of any warehouse or factory operation depends on raw, component and finished materials being processed efficiently and safely and getting this right can help a business gain a real competitive advantage.

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Supply Chain - Featured Product

Parvalux by maxon - AC or DC electric motors for conveyor systems?

Parvalux by maxon - AC or DC electric motors for conveyor systems?

The material handling industry uses conveyors to ensure that products are distributed effectively, AC or DC motors are chosen depending on the weight it needs to carry and the speed at which it needs to work. Learn which type of conveyor motor might be best for your application and how Parvalux can help you select a geared motor from stock or create a fully custom design.