Don't let delayed ROI delay your investment in smart connected products

Smart connected products can unlock new ways to generate revenue and cost efficiencies. While the payoff may be years away, companies need to invest today to remain not just competitive, but relevant.

Preparation - Is a Key. How to Address Challenges of IoT Development at Discovery

Despite the redoubled efforts made to fix issues, more than half of the IoT projects are considered unsuccessful by their initiators. For some reason, companies often prefer to ignore this fact.

Achieving sustainable manufacturing with IoT technology

This article delves into how IoT solutions integrated into manufacturing processes can help achieve industrial sustainability.

Ultimate Customization - When Is It Justified for Enterprise Internet of Things?

To avoid choosing between the lesser of two evils, we offer to dive into cases where customization is fully justified and even more - when it's necessary for the EIoT solution to succeed.

Giving Second Life to Legacy Systems Through the Industrial Internet of Things

Due to the fact that manufacturing and IT systems have historically developed in parallel, they cannot communicate by default, which forces companies to struggle with compatibility issues when performing digital transformation.

IoT in Manufacturing: Seizing the Opportunities Amid Challenges

Now more than ever, manufacturers are integrating new technologies, such as IoT, cloud computing and analytics, and AI and machine learning into their production facilities and operations.

What Are the Benefits of Adding IoT to Laser Cutting?

While laser cutting has many advantages, it can also be challenging to implement. High initial costs, safety concerns and the need for specialized training can stop manufacturers without the necessary funds and experience from capitalizing on its potential.

2022 Top Article - Protect Your Factory Floor Against the Next Global Emergency with IoT

Introducing simple and effective technologies in the right ways can enable manufacturers to get more from their existing operations while also attracting and retaining talent for the long term.

Smart Modules Add Simplicity and Help Accelerate IoT Deployments

Smart modules are a further piece in the IoT puzzle that simplifies and speeds up deployments. By providing the ability to perform multiple tasks in a single module, the need to develop and then integrate function-specific modules into an IoT device is reduced.

Serving IoT Needs with Cassia Networks and Soracom

One factor that can complicate an IoT application is the crowding that may occur when many connected devices occupy the same area. To help corral all of these signals, many organizations opt to deploy Bluetooth gateways to help connect their IoT devices to the cloud.

What is IoT Security?

By answering some basic questions on IoT security and pointing you to other resources on how to minimize your IoT cybersecurity risk, this will help you better understand what a robust IoT security strategy looks like.

The Future of Work in Developing Nations - IOT Helps Global Manufacturers Break Into Local Markets

Developing nations are integrating more into the world economy, but lack certain advantages, like Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructure, to compete at a global level.

Major IoT Trends to Expect in 2022

5G networks are opening new opportunities to manufacturers including speeding-up the IoT with faster data transfer rates and more efficient connections and communication between devices. Therefore, 5G will be key to the growth of the IoT in 2022.

Manufacturers Making the Right Connections: IoT, 5G and Scaled Growth

Manufacturers need to prioritize technologies such as 5G and IoT as they continue to develop and become more available throughout the organization in order to streamline their operations and survive In our digital-first future.

The Dynamic Duo of the IoT - Combining Cloud and Edge Processing Gives the Best of Both Worlds

A challenge lies in that fact that every single smart device connected to the IoT generates huge amounts of data. All of this information must be processed and analyzed to successfully take advantage of the opportunities presented by Industry 4.0.

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Improve Program Accuracy Through Digital Twin Technology

Improve Program Accuracy Through Digital Twin Technology

The VERICUT® CNC Machine Connect, which was launched as an add-on to the 9.3 release of VERICUT® software in 2022 through a partnership between CGTech and Scytec Consulting Inc., aligns digital twin simulations of CNC programs and live production to enable manufacturers to detect, communicate and validate variances in order to produce higher quality parts at faster rates. Watch a demo at the Shop Floor Automations booth, #133240, at IMTS 2024 or contact the manufacturing integrator at today.