Top Three Teams Share $100,000 Prize in Complete Virtual Construction Level of 3D-Printed Habitat Challenge

Team SEArch+/Apis Cor won first place in the Phase 3: Level 4 software modeling stage of NASA's 3D-Printed Habitat Challenge. The unique shape of their habitat allows for continuous reinforcement of the structure. Light enters through trough-shaped ports on the sides and to

Top Five Teams Win a Share of $100,000 in Virtual Modeling Stage of NASA's 3D-Printed Habitat Competition

Winning teams successfully created digital representations of the physical and functional characteristics of a house on Mars using specialized software tools.

Space-Based 3-D Printing Reaches Milestone

Mike Wall, A 3D printer built by the California-based company Made in Space churned out multiple polymer-alloy objects - the largest of which was a 33.5-inch-long (85 centimeters) beam - during a 24-day test inside a thermal vacuum chamber (TVAC) here in Silicon Valley at NASA's Ames Research Center in June.

A 3D-printed rocket engine just launched a new era of space exploration

Candice Majewski for Independent: Members of the team behind the Electron rocket at US company RocketLab say the engine was printed in 24 hours and provides efficiency and performance benefits over other systems.

NASA Awards $100,000 in 3D-Printing Habitat Competition

Ian O'Neill, The first printing segment of NASA's 3D-Printed Habitat Challenge is now complete, and the U.S. space agency has awarded $100,000 to the two winning teams.

Records 1 to 5 of 5

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