PI's New Sophisticated Hexapod Motion Controller

The new smaller and more powerful C-887.52 hexapod controller, just released by PI, makes hexapod 6-D positioning easy.

Schunk - High-speed picker with safety functionality

Compared with electrically operated small component grippers that are available on the market the SCHUNK EGP features high speed with simultaneous high gripping force, which can be adjusted in two or four steps, depending on the model.

EPSON Announces New CV2 Vision Systems

Epson CV2 Vision Systems - Increased Performance with Faster Processing, More Cameras, Higher Resolution Support and much more

New, Low Cost Right Angled DC Gearmotor now available from MMP!

Midwest Motion Products Inc., with Manufacturing and Office Facilities now based in Howard Lake, Minnesota, is pleased to announce the release of the new "TM57-GRA52" Right Angled Gearmotor System. This new 1:1 Right Angled Gearbox allows for significantly increased versatility, and design whose geometry allows for the unit to be mounted in tight spaces.


Clearpath Robotics announced the newest member of its robot fleet: an omnidirectional development platform called Ridgeback. The mobile robot is designed to carry heavy payloads and easily integrate with a variety of manipulators and sensors. Ridgeback was unveiled as a mobile base for Rethink Robotics' Baxter research platform at ICRA 2015 in Seattle, Washington.  "Many of our customers have approached us looking for a way to use Baxter for mobile manipulation research - these customers inspired the concept of Ridgeback. The platform is designed so that Baxter can plug into Ridgeback and go," said Julian Ware, General Manager for Research Products at Clearpath Robotics. "Ridgeback includes all the ROS, visualization and simulation support needed to start doing interesting research right out of the box."  Ridgeback's rugged drivetrain and chassis is designed to move manipulators and other heavy payloads with ease. Omnidirectional wheels provide precision control for forward, lateral or twisting movements in constrained environments. Following suit of other Clearpath robots, Ridgeback is ROS-ready and designed for rapid integration of sensors and payloads; specific consideration has been made for the integration of the Baxter research platform.


Ridgeback Development Platform gives legs wheels to Baxter and other stationary manipulators

Adept Technology Receives 1 Million Dollar Order for Lynx Mobile Robots

The customer is Techmetics Solutions, an automation solutions provider to the hospitality, food and beverage industry in Southeast Asia.

Motion Controls Robotics Receives Prestigious Awards from FANUC

Motion Controls Robotics, Inc honored with two prestigious awards at the 2015 FANUC America Integrators Conference in Orlando, Florida

Robotmaster Enhances Integrated Workflow Capabilities with New Features for Robotics Users

Robotmaster releases V6.2! Version 6.2 will be at least three times faster than previous versions.

The Membrane Potentiometer

A Competitive Alternative to Traditional Linear and Rotary Position Sensors.

New Controller from Mitsubishi Electric Automation Provides Advanced Functionality in Compact, Cost-Effective Design

Delivering the same control capabilities as its predecessor, the new compact controller incorporates new functionalities for even better performance and user experience.

Netzer's New DS-58 Absolute Position Rotary Encoder Features 18 bit Resolution

The DS-58 is a member of the DS series of Non-contact, absolute-position Electric Encoders™, based on Netzer Precision proprietary technology.

Case Study: Validated High Speed Capping

SMACs LAR Series linear-rotary actuators provide the ideal technology for improving capping quality while cost-effectively providing 100% real time on- and off-torquing validation.

FANUC America Highlights RAMTEC's Certified Training Programs for Robots and CNC Automation

RAMTECs mission is to increase the number of skilled laborers to fill the hundreds of thousands of available jobs in the U.S. by providing the technical training required by business and industry.

Güdel Announces TrackMotion Support for New KUKA Agilus Robot

TrackMotion Overhead (TMO) module combined with KUKA Agilus results in perfect fit for Midwest Engineered Systems Inc.

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To maximize the productivity of an autonomous mobile robot (AMR) or automatic guided vehicle (AGV) deployment, it's critical to create the optimal environment that allows the vehicles to perform at their peak. For that reason, Cornerstone Specialty Wood Products, LLC® (www.resindek.com) created the TriGard® ESD Ultra finish for its ResinDek® engineered flooring panels. The TriGard ESD Ultra finish is ideal for high-traffic robotic applications characterized by highly repetitive movement patterns and defined travel paths.