Achieving sustainable manufacturing with IoT technology

This article delves into how IoT solutions integrated into manufacturing processes can help achieve industrial sustainability.

Why training with few good images is fake news

As recently as five years ago, the only way to teach a machine vision system what a good product looked like was to laboriously show it every possible fault, mark and annotate the errors and catalogue them.


With a holistic approach that combines advanced printing technology with equally advanced finishing techniques, AM is redefining manufacturing, offering unprecedented agility, efficiency, and quality to industries around the world.

Desktop Metal Remains Focused on Path to Profitability After Preliminary Tally Shows Stratasys Shareholders Did Not Approve the Merger Agreement

While Desktop Metal stockholders voted to approve the merger agreement, Stratasys announced its stockholders - faced with two alternative acquisition offers for its company - did not likely vote in favor of the merger agreement proposals

What role does automation play in the manufacturing supply chain?

Adrian Wood, Strategic Business Development Director at DELMIA, gives us some very informative and interesting insights into automation's integral role in the manufacturing supply chain.

Tompkins Industries Reaches New Heights with its Vertical Lift Automation System

The automated vertical lift project kicked off in January 2022 and relied heavily on technical assistance from the team at PathGuide to incorporate the automated vertical lift into Latitude.

Issues Facing the Manufacturing Supply Chain & Their Fixes

Technology adoption is critical to smoothing global supply chains for manufacturers. But it's just a start. The problems are global and integrated. And the solutions must be as well.

Midwestern Bread Company Transforms Operations with Connected Workforce Solution

The baking team utilizes semi-automated processes and advanced equipment to produce bread and pastries. However, inefficiencies in communication and documentation hindered the company's productivity.

How to Navigate Cross-Border Logistics: Finding the Right Partner is a Key First Step

This rapidly growing trend of nearshoring is leading to more plants and warehouses being built in the United States, Mexico and Canada, and to more goods moving between these countries. It is also increasing demand for seamless cross-border freight transportation services.

Geek+ drives automation of advanced BMW-producing plant in China

Geek+ brings its AMR expertise to premium car manufacturer BMW Brilliance Automotive's vehicle production facility to strengthen digitalization and end-to-end value chain.

Optimizing the Manufacturing Supply Chain With 7 Tech-Forward Solutions

Every manufacturing operation needs an efficient and resilient supply chain. Stock shortages, shipping delays and similar disruptions can prolong production, raise costs and impact customer satisfaction, so manufacturers must prevent them as much as possible.

How 3D Printing Can Dramatically Reduce Carbon Emissions in the Manufacturing Industry

The technology can cut carbon emissions in the four areas where traditional manufacturing cranks out carbon by the metric ton: materials, manufacturing, warehousing, and transportation.

Semiconductor Chiplet: New Design Offers Auto Manufacturers Big Benefits

A semiconductor chiplet enables a modular approach to processor construction. In most cases, a chiplet has a dedicated function. These components will be vital as cars become more advanced and autonomous.

Looking to the Future: Visual Commerce in Manufacturing

The reality is B2B buyers increasingly expect interactive and engaging commerce offerings. It's time for manufacturers to up their digital commerce game to keep B2B customers coming back.

Strategies for Optimizing Supply Chain with Automation

The pandemic brought supply chain to the forefront, leading companies to seek AI, analytics, and automation solutions for efficiency and meeting demand. Machine Learning predicts demand and AI/automation boosts quality and monitors events.

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Supply Chain - Featured Product

Parvalux by maxon - AC or DC electric motors for conveyor systems?

Parvalux by maxon - AC or DC electric motors for conveyor systems?

The material handling industry uses conveyors to ensure that products are distributed effectively, AC or DC motors are chosen depending on the weight it needs to carry and the speed at which it needs to work. Learn which type of conveyor motor might be best for your application and how Parvalux can help you select a geared motor from stock or create a fully custom design.