Sometimes the most difficult thing about AI is simply knowing where to start. Identifying potentially impactful use cases is one of the most cited roadblocks for organizations seeking to leverage AI in their business.

50 Ways to Impact Your Business with AI

Whitepaper from | RapidMiner

Amidst the Industry 4.0 revolution, manufacturers are embracing cyber-physical systems and predictive analytics to drive astounding levels of innovation. In fact, across all industries, manufacturing is expected to generate 1/3 of the world’s investment in AI systems in 2019.   


View the Whitepaper here.


To complicate things further, best practices dictate that you should have a portfolio of use cases ready to experiment with. If finding one is a challenge, developing a whole portfolio of use cases may prove to be very difficult.


Luckily, RapidMiner has you covered. We’ve compiled 50 high-impact use cases from our customers that you can choose from. This library cuts across all industries, and even explains how you can draw inspiration from use cases that are outside of your industry or domain.


Download the ebook to learn:

  • A wide variety of intuitive (and some not-so-obvious) applications for AI in enterprises.
  • The challenges that led each business to seek help from AI & ML.
  • The advanced solutions that were built and deployed to overcome each challenge.
  • The documented financial impact experienced by each client.


View the Whitepaper here.

The content & opinions in this article are the author’s and do not necessarily represent the views of ManufacturingTomorrow

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