3D Hubs launches manufacturing fund in fight against COVID-19

Global online manufacturing platform, 3D Hubs, launches fund to manufacture critical parts for COVID-19 initiatives.

Why 100% Accurate Technical Translation Is a Must for Manufacturers

Manufacturers routinely export around the world and with it, the product's technical documentation. However, while products and the means of operating them are universally comprehensible, exactly how one should operate them isn't assured.

Red Lion Launches FlexEdge™ Intelligent Edge Automation Platform

Enabling Rugged, Optimized Connectivity and Automation at the Edge

How a Collaboration Platform Can Keep the Coronavirus Threat from Killing Your Business

Everyone knows the solution is working remotely - but how do you make that happen?

THine Introduces a small package, low power consumption MIPI CSI-2 Serializer IC for Video Applications

Ideal for High Definition Endoscope Camera Applications

HP Inc. and Partners Mobilize 3D Printing Solutions to Battle COVID-19

Many 3D design files to be made freely available to accelerate critical parts production

Registration For The 2020 ASSEMBLY Show Now Open; Exhibit Hall Nearly 90% Sold

Buyers and users of assembly equipment, products or services in manufacturing plants should plan to attend the only event focused exclusively on assembly technology, equipment and products.

Ford Works With 3M, GE, UAW to Speed Production of Respirators for Healthcare Workers, Ventilators for Coronavirus Patients

Ford, in cooperation with the UAW, will assemble more than 100,000 critically needed plastic face shields per week at a Ford manufacturing site to help medical professionals, factory workers and store clerks; Ford also will leverage its in-house 3D printing capability to produce disposable respirators for healthcare workers

Renesas Introduces RX23E-A MCU Starter Kit to Jumpstart Accurate Analog Evaluation for Industrial Automation and Measurement Equipment

New RSSK Enables Analog Characteristics Evaluation at the Nanovolt Level, Accelerating Time to Market for Industrial IoT Sensors

Covid-19 disease, CRP Technology manufactures emergency valves for assisted ventilation using Additive Manufacturing and Windform® P1 isotropic material

To help defeat the Covid-19, in less than 24 hours CRP Technology has manufactured in-house several functional prototypes of emergency valves for reanimation device and link-components for emergency respiratory mask for assisted ventilation.

Invitation to Harness Precision AM to Fight COVID19

The company will host a virtual roundtable on Wednesday, March 25th, at 16:00 GMT+2 and invites all interested parties to join a brain storming session on how we can use our manufacturing capabilities (3D printing with 1 micron resolution over cm sized volume) to fight COVID 19 together.

Pfannenberg Announces PMF LED-Hi LED Multifunction Light

High light quality ideal for indoor and outdoor use in industrial applications Lancaster, NY - Pfannenberg, Inc., a leading global manufacturer of thermal management technologies, announces the PMF LED-Hi LED multifunction light

Filter out chips with EXAIR's Chip Trapper

EXAIR's patented Chip Trapper offers a fast, easy way to clean chips, swarf and shavings out of used coolants and other liquids. The Chip Trapper vacuums the coolant or liquid that is filled with debris and traps all the solids in a reusable filter bag. Only the liquid pumps back out. It is ideal for use on machines with sumps, parts washers, tanks and storage containers of contaminated liquids.

Cementex Personal Protective Task Wear and Equipment for Worker Safety

Ensures workers are completely safe and prepared for the job

The Industrial Internet Consortium Announces Software Trustworthiness Best Practices Whitepaper

Guidance to ensure the safety, security, privacy, reliability and resilience of software for IIoT systems

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Upcoming Laminar vs Turbulent Airflow in Compressed Air Systems Webinar

Upcoming Laminar vs Turbulent Airflow in Compressed Air Systems Webinar

Are you ready to improve your understanding of compressed air systems and operations? Dive into the world of airflow dynamics with EXAIR's upcoming webinar, designed to explain the complex dance between laminar and turbulent flows in compressed air systems. Master the Fundamentals: Get a grip on the critical differences between laminar and turbulent airflow and why it matters for your compressed air devices. Whether you're a novice or a seasoned pro, there's always something new to discover. Optimize Your Operations: Learn how to harness the power of efficient airflow to improve the performance and longevity of your compressed air devices. Say goodbye to guesswork and hello to precision and reliability. https://exair.co/184-sweb24