Benefits of Gearbox Customisation for OEMs

A customised gearbox not only increases the life-span of existing hardware, but it can be designed to evolve and develop alongside the needs and goals of the business.

3D Printing Platform Could Shape the Future of Spare Part Production

The use of 3D printing technology to enable the fast availability of spare parts - when needed, where needed, in exactly the right quantity needed, is now, thanks to German company Replique, becoming a reality.

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Parvalux by maxon - AC or DC electric motors for conveyor systems?

Parvalux by maxon - AC or DC electric motors for conveyor systems?

The material handling industry uses conveyors to ensure that products are distributed effectively, AC or DC motors are chosen depending on the weight it needs to carry and the speed at which it needs to work. Learn which type of conveyor motor might be best for your application and how Parvalux can help you select a geared motor from stock or create a fully custom design.