With Smart Manufacturing Magazine, Industry Events, SME Shares Advanced Manufacturing Expertise
SME's new publication, Smart Manufacturing, along with other SME initiatives are planned throughout 2016 to guide manufacturing professionals through an all-new era of making things, often referred to as the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
DEARBORN, Mich., April 18, 2016 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The digital revolution that has disrupted and simplified a variety of industries - from music and books to shopping, travel and banking - is about to transform the way virtually everything is made. SME's new publication, Smart Manufacturing, along with other SME initiatives are planned throughout 2016 to guide manufacturing professionals through an all-new era of making things, often referred to as the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
The magazine is to be published digitally and in print this May by Advanced Manufacturing Media, which is part of SME, a nonprofit organization serving the manufacturing industry by promoting advanced manufacturing technology and developing a skilled workforce.
"Smart Manufacturing will be a vital tool for manufacturing professionals in the midst of this technology revolution," said Brett Brune, editor of the new magazine. "Manufacturing professionals are going to need the insight, experiences and expertise of our staff and industry experts to navigate the coming changes."
To be published quarterly, Smart Manufacturing will circulate to at least 80,000 qualified manufacturing professionals across a full range of industries affected by the burgeoning Industry 4.0 revolution. Its content will focus on digital manufacturing, software, controls, automation, advanced materials, emerging processes - such as 3D printing - and the integration of new technologies.
"Smart Manufacturing is an important new addition to our portfolio of manufacturing services and support," said Jeff Krause, chief executive officer of SME. "Our publications, events and workforce development programs are more valuable to practitioners than ever with this ability to deep dive and share the broadening array of smart manufacturing expertise and information."
Additionally, Advanced Manufacturing Media Editor-in-Chief Sarah Webster will host a Smart Manufacturing panel discussion with representatives from Cisco, Memex and Bystronic at SME's Mfg4 event, which runs from May 3-5, 2016, in Hartford, Connecticut. Learn more about and register to attend Mfg4 here.
SME will also now offer a Smart Manufacturing Education Seminar Series. The initial Digital Transformation seminar, discussing automation, IIoT and big data technology, will be in Detroit on May 24. Other seminars in the series will cover additive manufacturing, automation, lightweighting and composites. Learn more and register to attend now at sme.org/smartmfgseries.
About Advanced Manufacturing Media
SME's Advanced Manufacturing Media is a leading source for news and in-depth technical information about advanced manufacturing in North America. It serves an audience of more than 100,000 manufacturing professionals who subscribe to the monthly magazine, iTunes app, e-newsletters and other publications. Coverage is focused on some of the world's most critical industries: aerospace and defense, motorized vehicles, medical and energy, whether that's oil and gas, nuclear, electric, solar or wind. Learn more at advancedmanufacturing.org, follow @MfgEngNews on Twitter or facebook.com/AdvancedManufacturingMedia.
About SME
SME connects all those who are passionate about making things that improve our world. As a non-profit organization, SME has served practitioners, companies, educators, governments and communities across the manufacturing spectrum for more than 80 years. Through its strategic areas of events, media, membership, training and development, and the SME Education Foundation, SME is uniquely dedicated to the advancement of manufacturing by addressing both knowledge and skill needs for the industry. Follow @SME_MFG on Twitter or facebook.com/SMEmfg.
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