CompoSIDE 2.7.0. Released - Advanced Composite Design Software

CompoSIDE Ltd., the engineering simulation and data management platform with dedicated composite design and analysis software, releases CompoSIDE v2.7.0 delivering streamlined product design process for improved development of fibre-reinforced plastics products.

CompoSIDE Ltd. the engineering simulation and data management platform with dedicated composite design and analysis software, releases CompoSIDE v2.7.0 delivering streamlined product design process for improved development of fibre-reinforced plastics products.

"This latest release of CompoSIDE delivers significant user requested and state-of-the-art modelling capabilities specific to the composite industry" says Lorenzo Bossi, Sales & Marketing Manager at CompoSIDE Ltd. "Manufacturers of Fibre Reinforced Plastics (FRP) materials and products across Aerospace, Automotive, Marine, Renewables and Industrial applications can benefit from the dedicated composite design software for faster and cheaper product development."
Improved interaction with external programs
CompoSIDEs 2.7.0 release improves workflows integrating with clients IT systems and design process, highlights of the latest release include improvements to CAD files imports and group topology management functionalities within BoMGen, the automated Bill of Materials Generation environment, for a seamless reporting experience regardless of the primary CAD system in place.
Introducing Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE)
The effect of thermal properties of the layered materials can significantly change the laminate properties and thermo-mechanical loading response, this new release of CompoSIDE sees the introduction of Coefficients of Thermal Expansion (CTE) for layered materials and laminates, allowing a more accurate analysis of these components early in the design phase.
New features allow users to include combined thermal mechanical loads and review the response analysis in LAMINASpace using both tabular and graphical capabilities. User can define constant or variable thermal loading.
Solvers and analysis enhancements
Numerous enhancements have been made to the Finite Element Analysis (FEA) module in CompoSIDE. Additional capabilities for calculation of Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE) for layered materials and advanced Ply Strain / Stress Response to laminates are now supported in LAMINASpace. In addition, independent specification of materials and plies, allowable strains and strengths provides improved analysis capabilities.
Streamlined design workflows and module integration
CompoSIDE 2.7.0 sees advances in seamless integration within CompoSIDE modules to streamline the design workflows and reduce the design time for composite parts and products. In the latest release either laminates created in LAMINASpace or 2D beam section from SECTIONSpace, can be instantly converted into 3D shell FE models using wizards in FESpace, CompoSIDEs Finite Element Analysis module. Beams sections can be instantly extruded for detailed design activities automating creation of 3D shells from any given conceptual 2D section design. Elements retain their properties and laminate selections, bridging the gap from conceptual and detailed design activities. Improvements to the automated mesh capabilities deliver significant time-saving to our users eliminating manual processes and focusing on meaningful product design activities.
Pricing and Availability
CompoSIDE is the only full cycle software for Fibre Reinforced Plastic materials management, laminate calculation, beam section design and 3D FEA modelling with integrated reporting and bill of materials generation, that is affordable and ready available to companies of all sizes. CompoSIDE platform is built on SaaS model and is licenced on a monthly or annual subscription basis with unlimited number of users. Subscriptions start at 200 GBP / 250 EUR a month for all core modules, free 30-days trial is available from CompoSIDE website:
About CompoSIDE Ltd.
CompoSIDE is an integrated suite of web-based design engineering modules and data management tools that significantly reduce development time and cost for composite applications. Our solution can reduce our clients design time by up to 75%, and cut up to 40% from project costs. Unlike existing software products, we focus on delivering a secure, web-based collaborative solution that integrates seamlessly with our clients existing systems and quality standards.

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