A record-breaking year for the online publishing of CAD files

In 2015, hundreds of industrial part vendors published their CAD files and technical data to the TraceParts platform

Saint-Romain, France, January 13, 2016 - TracePartsOnline.net, the platform that TraceParts created in 2001 to provide free access to CAD models and technical specifications of hundreds of millions of industrial parts, has announced that its engineering community has grown by 20% to reach nearly 2.4 million registered designers.

With CAD shaving valuable time off the design process and shortening new product development cycles, TraceParts delivered an array of innovative solutions in 2015 to give users of the engineering platform an enhanced experience, with over 60 million CAD files downloaded. All the improvements made in 2015 helped generate over over 5,000 new leads for every single catalog already present on the TraceParts website.

Thanks to the online quotation request feature fully integrated into the download process, a growing number of design professionals are requesting price quotations from the vendors of the parts that they have selected for their projects directly from the TraceParts library.

In addition, the new ultra-powerful and fast search engine implemented in 2015 can be used to perform multi-criteria searches on hundreds of millions of parts. Finally, the very latest viewer, which is available for all 3D parts, has significantly improved the rendering, manipulation and interaction of CAD models for the sites users.

All the enhancements made in 2015 have played their role in the websites growing success and culminated in the record-breaking 4.5 million unique visitors with close to 64 million page views (source: Google® Analytics).

Enriched every day with new industrial components, TracePartsOnline.net provides design engineers with a choice of over 100 million technical data for downloading in 2D and 3D, which are compatible with all the most popular CAD applications. The TraceParts catalog distribution network has given 14.5 million designers a gateway to a wealth of technical data on industrial parts and the possibility of freely downloading the CAD models chosen for their design projects.

Industrial parts vendors looking for more information about publishing their 3D product catalog can contact TraceParts by email at Email Contact or visit the www.traceparts.com website.

About TraceParts
TraceParts is a world-leading digital engineering 3D content company, offering progressive business solutions through powerful web based products and services. TraceParts brings targeted and cost-effective market penetration to parts vendors, in all sectors of industry.

The TracePartsOnline.net CAD portal is freely available to millions of CAD users worldwide, with hundreds of supplier catalogs and 100 million CAD models and product datasheets suitable for the Design, Purchasing, Manufacturing and Maintenance processes. For more information about TraceParts, please visit www.traceparts.com

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