Displays and keypads

Customizable options for electronic housings simplify device design

Phoenix Contact now offers high-contrast capacitive touch displays and membrane keypads for its industrial housing line. The configurable new options give electronics manufacturers an off-the-shelf, cost-effective enclosure design option and create a user-friendly interface for device operators.

With the new web-based configurator, designers can custom-position the display or adjust the shape, color, button size, and printing of keypads to meet specific application requirements. The coordinated construction of the components creates a contemporary design. The "plug-and-play" modules are prefabricated and tested, ready for final assembly. The displays provide visualization and intuitive operation for applications such as pressure or flow measurements, machine states or errors, energy monitoring, or building automation controls.

The displays are integrated flush into the housing front. High-resolution, graphic-capable 2.4-inch color displays, with or without touch function, are available for Phoenix Contact's ICS, ME-IO, and UCS enclosure families.

Display/touch combinations up to 7 inches are available for the UCS family. Due to the larger size, these displays can visualize more complex processes. A 0.96-inch display is also available for the narrow 2.5-millimeter ICS family.

Learn more at www.phoenixcontact.com/us-displays

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