Exhibit Supported by Features Muscles Yume Robo and Begins National Tour in Chicago


New U.S. Based Blue Ocean Robotics, LLC Opens Office in Cincinnati

24 of the World's Best Robots in Los Angeles Area to Compete in DARPA Robotics Challenge Finals

DARPA Robotics Challenge June 5-6, 2015 at The Fairplex, Pomona, California

Humanistic Robotics Teams up with DARPA to Elevate Safety at the Robotics Challenge Finals

Wireless Emergency Stop Technology Now Required for all Challenge Entries

5 things to know about the DARPA Robotics Competition

From Lyndsey Gilpin  for TechRepublic:  The DARPA Finals will be held in Pomona, California from June 5-6, and the robots that come out of it could make some big impacts (or take over the world). Here's a summary of what you should know.  1. It began with the desire to improve humanitarian assistance and disaster relief The Fukushima disaster in Japan in 2011 was an inspiration for the competition, according to Dr. Gill Pratt, the DRC program manager. The team realized we never know what the next disaster will be, but we need technology to help us better address these types of disasters with better tools and techniques. And robots have massive potential.   "The particular part that we've chosen to focus on, here, is technology for responding during the emergency part of the disaster during the first day or two," Pratt said in a media briefing several weeks before the competition. "So this is not about, for instance, robotics for doing the restoration of the environment many, many weeks, years after the disaster, but rather the emergency response at the beginning."   Cont'd..  

Robotmaster now supporting Nachi brand of robots

Nachi is one of the major robot manufacturers in Japan and supporting them will allow Robotmaster to continue contributing to better productivity for programming welding as well as a variety of robotic applications.

Adept Technology Adds New Distributor

Applied Controls Will Market and Support Adept Robots in U.S. Mid-Atlantic Region

Machine Automation Under Scrutiny for High-volume, High-Quality Manufacturing

Designed for many industrial automation, quality assurance, security and medical applications, NEXCOMs new ROKA series of Gigabit Ethernet cameras is a low cost yet highly versatile imaging solution.

AgTechTalk Owner Chad Colby Joins 2015 Commercial UAV Expo Advisory Board

Colby to provide insight on UAV technology as a tool for agriculture industry as an Advisory Board member for SPAR Point Group's 2015 Commercial UAV Expo

PI's New Sophisticated Hexapod Motion Controller

The new smaller and more powerful C-887.52 hexapod controller, just released by PI, makes hexapod 6-D positioning easy.

The Amazon Robotics Challenge. And, the winner is...

Of 25 teams from around the world, the winner of the Amazon Robotic Bin-Picking Challenge is the Technische Universität Berlin using Barrett's WAM robotic arm.

Amazon Picking Challenge aimed at improving warehouse robotics

By David Szondy for Gizmag:  One of the biggest events at the recent 2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) in Seattle was the first Amazon Picking Challenge, in which 31 teams from around the world competed for US$26,000 in prizes. The challenge set entrants with the real-world task of building a robot that can do the same job as an Amazon stock picker.According to Amazon Chief Technology Officer Peter Wurman, who initiated the challenge, the task of picking items off the shelf may seem simple, but it involves all domains of robotics. The robot has to capable of object and pose recognition. It must be able to plan its grasps, adjust manipulations, plan how to move, and be able to execute tasks while noticing and correcting any errors. This might suggest that the robots would need to be of a new, specialized design, but for the Picking Challenge, Amazon made no such requirement. According to one participant we talked to, the more important factors were sensors and computer modelling, so ICRA 2015 saw all sorts of robots competing, such as the general purpose Baxter and PR2, industrial arms of various sizes, and even special-built frames that move up, down, left or right to position the arm. Even the manipulators used by the various teams ranged from hooks, to hand-like graspers, and vacuum pickups.   Continue reading for competition results:

DJI and Accel Launch SkyFund to Seed Innovation Across the UAV Ecosystem

SkyFund aims to accelerate entrepreneurship throughout the aerial economy

Schunk - High-speed picker with safety functionality

Compared with electrically operated small component grippers that are available on the market the SCHUNK EGP features high speed with simultaneous high gripping force, which can be adjusted in two or four steps, depending on the model.

Advanced Motion Controls Expands their EtherCAT Product Offering

ADVANCED Motion Controls provides products for the fastest, most flexible form of industrial Ethernet control - EtherCAT.

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