Black Buffalo 3D Holds Live 3D Construction Q&A at World of Concrete 2024

World of Concrete celebrated its 50th year of providing insight, information, and a venue to showcase innovation to the construction industry.

Black Buffalo 3D—a leading provider of structural 3D construction printers and materials—transcended on Las Vegas for World of Concrete, celebrating its 50th year of supporting global masonry and concrete professionals with knowledge and information about traditional and innovative methods of construction and related technology. Witnessing a growing interest in 3D construction, the BB3D team spoke with companies and contributors around the world about its ICC-ES approved large scale gantry printers, materials, and the difference between different 3D printed wall designs, machines, and materials.

Peter Cooperman of Black Buffalo 3D fields questions from the crowd at World of Concrete about 3D construction printing from the mix through move-in of 3D printed homes and buildings.
Peter Cooperman of Black Buffalo 3D fields questions from the crowd at World of Concrete about 3D construction printing from the mix through move-in of 3D printed homes and buildings.
On the second day of the event, Black Buffalo 3D held an impromptu "3D Construction Questions and Answers Session," allowing passersby and a quickly growing audience to ask questions about 3D construction printing, regulations, permitting, materials science, and overall constructability. Crowd interaction around the MAPEI USA booth space was excellent, illustrating the movement and willingness of traditional construction teams to adopt 3D printing into their planned projects and best practices.

Black Buffalo 3D and its partner MAPEI USA remain the only large-scale 3D construction printer and materials—Planitop 3D NA™—distributor to sell a solution that meets ICC-ES AC509 criteria for printing structural [load-bearing] concrete walls. Recently, BB3D's client—in conjunction with Habitat for Humanity Peninsula and Greater Williamsburg chapter—printed the first homes in the world to utilize a 3D printed bead as a load bearing wall. This ability was the result of structural engineers utilizing a globally recognized Engineering Service Report verified by Intertek and ICC-ES to streamline permitting and confirm a wall design that did not require grout infill, or vertical rebar to support a traditional roof. By continuing to innovate construction methods, improve automation, and invest in development of high-quality materials, Black Buffalo 3D has increased its footprint into new regions domestically and internationally.

Follow Black Buffalo 3D (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube) for updates. If interested in purchasing a 3D construction printer, structural 3D construction materials, or discussing a potential 3D construction project, please contact us online or visit for more information.

About Black Buffalo 3D
Black Buffalo 3D Corporation ( is poised to revolutionize construction and lead standardization and global innovation of 3D construction printers (3DCP), proprietary construction "ink" and 3D print construction consulting services. BB3D became the first 3d construction provider to meet ICC-ES AC509 giving its clients the ability to 3D print structural walls on demand. NEXCON printers 3D print code-compliant homes, buildings and infrastructure on-demand for both onsite and offsite construction.

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