Impressive New Products Recognized with Prestigious Prism Awards for Photonics Innovation
Nine outstanding new products from companies in six countries were named as winners in the 2017 Prism Awards for Photonics Innovation at a gala banquet on 1 February in San Francisco. The competition recognizes new products and inventions that break with conventional ideas, solve problems, and improve life through the generation and application of light-based technologies, optics and photonics and is sponsored by SPIE and Photonics Media.
Nine new products providing valuable new capabilities in detecting disease, assessing water or food quality, and enabling advanced precison manufacturing have been named winners of the 2017 Prism Awards for Photonics Innovation. The awards are sponsored by SPIE, the international society for optics and photonics, and Photonics Media.
Winning companies and products are:
Additive Manufacturing — 3D Printing: PolarOnyx (USA) Tungsten LAM: femtosecond fiber laser 3D printer, combining additive and subtractive manufacturing
Biomedical Instrumentation: Rapid Biosensor Systems (UK) TB Breathalyser: disposable medical device for a fast test for active infectious tuberculosis, offering simplicity, low cost, and accuracy
Detectors and Sensors: ALPhANov (France) GoSpectro: connects to a smartphone to characterize light sources in a matter of seconds, enabling material or chemical analysis in liquids associated with color-based reagents to assess water or food quality
Imaging and Cameras: TruTag Technologies (USA) Model 4100 Handheld Hyperspectral Imager: captures and processes a full multi-megapixel hyperspectral datacube without utilizing external processing, to decode the provenance of pills, foods, and embedded objects
Industrial Lasers: QD Laser (Japan) 1030- and 1064-nm Ultra-short Pulsed Seeder for Fiber Laser: enables nonthermal precise microprocessing and provides strong competitive light source to mode-locked lasers
Materials and Coatings: Crystalline Mirror Solutions (Austria) xtal mir: ultralow-loss mid-IR optical coating based on substrate-transferred single-crystal semiconductor multilayers, enabling discoveries in optical trace gas detection
Metrology: Leica Geosystems (Switzerland) BLK360: laser scanner enables 360-degree reality capture for virtual retailing, space mapping, or stage calibration for film and visual arts, within minutes
Optics and Optical Components: Nufern (USA) NuBEAM Flat-top fiber technology: effective beam shaping and beam control offer easy integration, efficient light transmission, robustness, small footprint, low maintenance, cost-effectiveness, for material processing, illumination, detection, defense, and medicine
Scientific Lasers: Thorlabs (USA) Mid-infrared Supercontinuum Laser: femtosecond fiber-laser pumped MIR SC source offers wavelength coverage from 1.2 µm to almost 5 µm with high repetition rate, with applications in environmental sensing of greenhouse gases to standoff detection in the field
"Photonics technology drives so much of global and local economies and changes lives everywhere in so many ways," said SPIE CEO Eugene Arthurs. "This years Prism Awards entries have moved the industry forward with their impressive new inventions. It is fitting that we celebrate the winning products, and indeed all the entries, during SPIE Photonics West. Events such this are essential to the industrys ability to serve society effectively. They provide the opportunity to share ideas and needs, to find the collaborators and inspirations required for technology innovation, and to gain the knowledge needed to feed breakthrough thinking. SPIE is pleased to play a part in encouraging and facilitating this work, and happy to honor these outstanding innovators."
"Photonics Media is proud to join SPIE in congratulating the winners of the 2017 Prism Awards. These winning products — and the people and organizations behind them — represent the outstanding innovation at work in the photonics industry today," said Tom Laurin, President and CEO of Laurin Publishing Co. "As we celebrate the 50th anniversary of Photonics Spectra — our flagship magazine — we have the opportunity to reflect back to 1967 and the vision the new magazine offered for the future of a young industry. Today, these Prism Award winners provide a striking preview of what is still to come. From the rapid screening of infectious diseases to 3D robot vision to additive manufacturing and so much more, they are already transforming tomorrow."
The Prism Awards recognize innovative products that are newly available on the open market. Categories have been added, removed, and updated over time to reflect trends in the industry. Entries were judged by an independent panel of experts including industry executives, leading academic researchers, venture capitalists, and past Prism Award winners.
About SPIE
SPIE is the international society for optics and photonics, an educational not-for-profit organization founded in 1955 to advance light-based science, engineering, and technology. The Society serves nearly 264,000 constituents from approximately 166 countries, offering conferences and their published proceedings, continuing education, books, journals, and the SPIE Digital Library. In 2016, SPIE provided more than $4 million in support of education and outreach programs.
About Photonics Media
Photonics Media, a business unit of Pittsfield, Mass.-based Laurin Publishing Co. Inc., publishes Photonics Spectra, BioPhotonics, EuroPhotonics, Photonics Buyers Guide and With a collective subscriber base of more than 150,000 worldwide and more than 2 million website visits per year, Laurin Publishings Photonics Media products and publications lead the photonics industry with editorial excellence and integrity―fostering a tradition of innovation and progress by sharing knowledge, insights and visions for the future. Learn more at
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