SelfCAD delivers Interactive tools for 3D modelling and printing with Precision, Customization and Step by Step guidance

SelfCAD'sInteractive tutorials enable one to skip watching lengthy 3D modeling tutorials and can get hands-on experience with step-by-step guidance.

SelfCAD develops in-app Interactive Tutorials for 3D modeling and 3D printing

SelfCAD'sInteractive tutorials enable one to skip watching lengthy 3D modeling tutorials and can get hands-on experience with step-by-step guidance.

Most self-taught 3D modelers learn their craft through a lengthy process of watching video tutorials and trying to execute the steps by themselves.

While it is very important to have step-by-step guidance in order to create a perfect design without any errors, most 3D modeling software only offers ready-made objects and extremely limited in-app tutorials that focus only on the app's interface.

That's where SelfCAD's Interactive Tutorials come in

With this innovative 3D modeling software feature, 3D designers will be able to:

Follow a clear, fast, and simple step-by-step guide without switching between tabs to check references
Design 3D models from scratch even without any prior experience.

Record the 3D modeling process which you can use later to study and analyze your work

Recording your own Interactive Tutorials

Recording Interactive Tutorials is best for small design teams and schools or online course creators.

This feature allows them to create instructional materials in a short duration without face-to-face demos.
Learning and creating models will be streamlined with Interactive Tutorials, and anyone in the world can use them. There is no need to be an expert, even a beginner can explore their own creativity.
With automated learning, freelancers, NFT artists, instructors, and students studying 3D design will benefit greatly.

About SelfCAD
With industry-standard tools, features, and designs customers can create anything from a simple sketch to a fully-fledged design with end-to-end 3D modeling software tools - Sketching, Sculpting, Rendering, all the way to 3D Printing.

4522 18th Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11204, United States

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