A Packaging Look-Ahead for 2024 and Beyond

As packaging converters and their brand/retailer clients look to the future, there are four key areas of focus that are getting a lot of attention: Artificial Intelligence, Sustainability, Automation, and Hiring and Retaining talent.

Integrating Heat Pumps in Industrial Processes: 5 Notable Changes

How have heat pumps changed to help manufacturers? What innovations can industry professionals expect? Here's a guide to the evolution of heat pumps and how they affect the modern manufacturing landscape

Achieving sustainable manufacturing with IoT technology

This article delves into how IoT solutions integrated into manufacturing processes can help achieve industrial sustainability.

Building Sustainability Into Your Next System Design

Regardless of your company's motivation for becoming more environmentally friendly, now is a great time to be building sustainability into your next system design. Here are a few approaches to help meet these goals.

How 3D Printing Can Dramatically Reduce Carbon Emissions in the Manufacturing Industry

The technology can cut carbon emissions in the four areas where traditional manufacturing cranks out carbon by the metric ton: materials, manufacturing, warehousing, and transportation.

How Thoughtful Authentication Supports Your Sustainability Strategy

A sound sustainability strategy consists of continuous change, improvement and further development. It requires the continuous commitment of everyone, from management to trainees. And it is made up of many small things.

Could Energy-Harvesting Technology Power IoT Devices of the Future?

It's particularly challenging to be too reliant on battery-powered IoT devices in industries like manufacturing and logistics. Many factories now have 24/7 operations, meaning there are no feasible downtime periods for recharging.

Refurbishing Instead of Replacing

With cutting rings, a shearing tool removes the worn edges before they are built back up with 3D printing. Finally, the cutting rings are machined to the final shape.

How Effective Recycling Practices Can Impact the Redistribution of Global Resources and Wealth

The next leap forward in sustainability is going to be reclaiming the resources contained within the garbage and providing feedstock back into the manufacturing process.

GF Raises the Bar for Sustainability, Efficiency with Expansion in Singapore

In today's world, a semiconductor fab's performance isn't only measured by wafer output and yields, but also by how efficiently and sustainably it uses natural resources, and how effectively it minimizes the impacts of manufacturing on its neighborhood.

Zebra Survey Shows Eight-in-10 Millennials Expect More Transparency in Automotive Manufacturing

Study reveals high demand for knowing the origin and sustainability level of materials and automotive parts as well as receiving an end-to-end view of the manufacturing process

Sustainable manufacturing at the edge

In the wake of landmark climate event, COP26, manufacturers are striving to align their activities with the global net zero targets. But the sector has a long way to go. It currently produces more than 16 gigatons of carbon dioxide (CO2) each year.

Leveraging Technology for Developing the Circular Economy

Circular economy practices that prevent goods from going to landfills - by encouraging reuse or recycling - can help. However, these practices aren't always easy to implement. Brands are experimenting with Industry 4.0 technology that may streamline the circular approach.

New Solutions for Materials Manufacturing Reduce Environmental Impact in Construction

While zero-emissions equipment and waste reduction strategies are crucial, sustainability is complex, involving far more factors than construction work itself. The manufacturers that produce building materials must also improve for the industry to become truly sustainable.

How to Identify & Avoid Greenwashing in Manufacturing

This concept of raking in the financial benefits of "being green" without really making an effort to become more sustainable as a company is known as greenwashing.

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The Wire Association International (WAI), Inc.

The Wire Association International (WAI), Inc.

The Wire Association International (WAI), Inc., founded in 1930, is a worldwide technical society for wire and cable industry professionals. Based in Madison, Connecticut, USA, WAI collects and shares technical, manufacturing, and general business information to the ferrous, nonferrous, electrical, fiber optic, and fastener segments of the wire and cable industry. WAI hosts trade expositions, technical conferences, and educational programs.